
We update this tab about once or twice a month. Here you can find a trivia test on some favorite topics! Enjoy!

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CelebGossip Trivia! (NO CHEATING!)

1. In what tab is the article about Frankie Jonas in?

2. Who was our May biography about?

3. Which tab is the newest?

4. Who's number 5 on the Top 30 Stars?

5. Which one of these is one of our six original tabs?

6. What is the first Holiday we ever did in the Holidays tab?

7. Which best friends are NOT in the Celeb BFF tab?

8. What was the first article/rumor in the Truth or Rumor tab!

9. Where on the site is an article about some one from American Idol?

10. Which one of these is updated the least?


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Test Your Jo Bro Knowledge!

1. Which brother started the band?

2. What candy commercial did the Jonas Brothers star in?

3. Who did the brothers tour with?

4. Which Jonas Brother song is written for Miley Cyrus?

5. Which Jonas Brother is dating Chelsea Staub?

6. What is Kevin's real name?

7. What is Joe's Camp Rock character?

8. Where was Nick discovered?

9. What is the name of the Jo Bros' first CD?

10. What is the name of the Jonas Brothers' little broth


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How well do you know HSM 2?

1. What is the name of Sharpay's dog?

2. What color is the gemstone on the necklace Troy gave Gabriella?

3. What is Troy's friend Jason's last name?

4. What song is playing in Ryan and Sharpay's convertable?

5. What time does Gabriella tell Troy her lunch break is?

6. What does the sign by the pool say in All for One?

7. Sharpay's blue iced tea imported from England is actually what drink?

8. What was the title of "You are the Music in Me" originally going to be?


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